We have identified organizations dedicated to learning about and recovering from brain injuries. This is not a comprehensive list of all organizations. This page is intended for those new to the brain injury community and are trying to gain a place to start.
We are a national nonprofit organization that provides education, community support, and collaborates with academia and policymakers. What has guided and distinguished us from the start is our lived experience and belief that people will be the drivers of change.
Online support groups--multiple days & times, Community platform with tons of information & other resources
Visit SiteThe TBI Klatch, originally called the TBI Kaffee Klatch, was born during the COVID-19 pandemic so Kitsap Brain Injury support group members had a way to stay connected. It has become a weekly Zoom event for a growing virtual-family featuring casual, informal discussions about defining and surviving in a "new normal." Klatch is about compassion, acceptance, understanding, awareness, knowledge and rebuilding after brain injury.
Visit SiteThe BIAWA spouse/partner support group meets virtually via Zoom the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 6:00-7:00pm. The BIAWA provides resources for basic needs, criminal justice/legal services, education, health care, income support/employment, individual/family life, and mental health/substance abuse. They also have regional resource managers to help.
Registration is required to attend this group and the link to register is provided below
RegisterTraumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Strategic Partnership Advisory Council of Washington State provides Support Groups through the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) that emphasize connection, education, and engagement in life after sustaining a TBI.
Our Support Groups are predicated on the concept of a person-centered approach that can aid in the development of long-term knowledge and generic problem-solving skills to help attendees overcome barriers to sustaining a fulfilling life.
Visit SiteThe Pro Bono Counseling Program at Project Access NW strives to provide accessible quality mental health care to those with limited or no insurance, through a network of volunteers including licensed professionals, interns, and pre-licensure individuals offering free services. Although we do not offer specialists in brain injury therapy, at this time, we aim to diversify our offerings and invite recommendations for mental health professionals with various specializations to expand our services and impact
Kitsap Brain Injury strives to post the latest stable community support for our survivors, relatives, and caregivers.
If you found a regional community support not listed, please use our contact us form and we will look into adding them to our resources
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