and as of May our Zoom meetings are HIPAA compliant
To learn more about Zoom HIPAAA compiance, click here
During 2024 our Kitsap Brain Injury Support Group is changing schedule. The meeting time for this meeting will be changed to 1 PM tp 2:30 PM to prepare for the new Skookum facility. As we seems to be trouble finding a local facilitator our monthly groups will remain online using Zoom. A meeting topic will be distributed before the meeting giving everyone ample time to familiarize themselves with the material.
The weekly TBI Klatch meetings are small online Zoom gatherings to check in with other survivors, caregivers and family, share experiences and chat over a morning beverage.
In order to attend one of our online group meetings a registiration is required
We hope you attend one or both of our groups to learn, to get some motivation, and to possibly inspiration
Please refer to our Events page for monthly meeting topics as they change monthly.
These meetings will remain online
2nd Thursday of each month 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Meeting dates are Jan 11th, Feb 8th, Mar 14th, Apr 11th, May 9th, Jun 13th, Jul 11th, Aug 8th, Sep 12th, Oct 10th, Nov 14th, and Dec 12th
The Koffee Klatch is just another way to connect with others living with brain change
Zoom meetings every Monday at 10 AM
Register for the Klatch by using the contact us page or button and inform us that you would like to attend the TBI Koffee Klatch
Zoom invitations are sent the Sunday before the meeting
For more information conact Bill using the button below
With the roll out of our support groups being conducted online we need to ensure our brain injury survivors have access to the internet in their home. Here are the two main companies in our area that offer internet access at reduced rates. The primary eligibility requirement is that the applicants use for public assistance programs.
You can choose either Comcast for cable internet OR Centurylink for DSL internet. They both cost around $10/month.
Zoom is a free download from its website and is available for andriods, Apples, and PC's.
You can either use the Contact us page or use the email enclosed in the monthly meeting announcement
Contact Us.
We will send you an invitation link for the meeting you requested. Click the link in the email to attend the meeting